Generation Why?

The personal blogg of a late-night scribbler...

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Location: Coventry, Warwickshire, United Kingdom

I am a 30 year old part-time English teacher and postgraduate student. I prefer red wine to white, cats to dogs and lazy Sunday mornings to any other kind of morning you care to mention. I have a love of tea, chocolate biscuits and rate Llamas as amongst the most entertaining of animals. Spiritually ambivalent and politically bewildered, I seem to spend a lot of time reading the news and getting unnecessarily anxious about it. Italian food, French cheese and pizza will always be met with smiles and is a sure fire way to win me over. My hair is a mess and I wear spectacles.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Longtime nothing....

It's been months since I last posted anything on here, and glancing back at some of the previous poetical efforts it probably isn't a bad thing. The reason for the massive pause is that I've been without internet and have been desperately trying to earn enough money to pay for the next year of study. Starting as I mean to go on, I plan to post more poetry, hopefully of a better standard and no longer limited to snippets from the portfolio and drunken sprawls. If anyone ever does stop and read anything on this blogg, I would love it if you could leave a comment; you don't have to be nice, just say what you think.

It's been a long old summer, but thankfully the new term is just a couple of weeks away meaning I can bury myself once again in stuff I pretend to understand but which mostly goes over my head or ends up under the bed. If there is such a thing as a muse, or even a drug that does the same job, I hope I find it soon.

Anyway, this is what constitutes my new Poetry Blog Manifesto. Let the waffle begin anew!